
Even though the arrival of the Internet appeared to be the end for print-based and other “dated” mediums, marketing campaigns using offline channels are still a fundamental aspect of many company’s marketing mixes.

Offline marketing strategies tend to be more expensive than online ones, requiring businesses to develop all-encompassing plans before implementing campaigns. Typically, a company must first decide exactly who they are trying to reach – the target demographic for either new or existing services – and then determine what media channels can be used to reach them.

Market research data can be purchased to bring companies up to speed on the media consumption habits of their target audience. If potential customers tend to read certain magazines, then marketers can strategically place ads in those publications. These ads typically feature consistent messaging about the company as well as brand imagery – the same slogans and logos are used to build familiarity with potential customers.

Recently, offline marketing and online marketing strategies are more frequently used in collaboration with one another. Many companies treat their websites as the central portals of their marketing efforts. Most consumers who want to know more about a company’s products or services will at some point visit the website for information, and contact details. The principle theme between the offline and online marketing partnership is to make the company’s website better known. (See also Integrated Marketing)

For example, if a national electronics store is hosting a sale in honor of an important anniversary, the company’s intent is to attract the attention of customers to come into the store and take advantage of celebration sales. If the store limits itself to only showcasing this information on their website and no other methods to publicize the event, the company is limiting the number of potential sales.

Leaflet Design

Brochure Design

Event Marketing

Branded Stationary


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Partnership Marketing